Poem to Open The Cambridge 30th Anniversary R*E*P*E*A*T Gig
Portland Arms 27.7.24

Rosey Rosey Rosey I R*E*P*E*A*T
A perhaps predictable intro to this R*E*P*E*A*T records lyrical treat
So I tasked myself to write this special poem here, to try
To bring a small tear to this great man's eye
Cos I hope he's proud of all the music stuff he's done
But he's a very humble man so he probably wouldn't let on
It's likely he expected me to write a poem that was radical
A poem of social justice or a poem that was political
Instead I write a poem about the man Rosey R*E*P*E*A*T
And his fanzine and record label of 30 years, what a feat.

This indie music hero spends his days as a teacher
And he spends his nights dreaming he was a manic street preacher
But the band that mostly influenced his values and beliefs -
The DC10s, from his village, who's existence was only brief
But they left a big impression to just get out there and do it
And he did it DIY and he's always kept it positive
He sticks it to the nazis and gives the right wing a verbal kicking
He rejects the mainstream bullshit and keeps it strictly an indie punk thing
He nurtures young musicians and gives them the confidence to be
Who ever the fuck they want to be unconditionally.

And in 30 years of R*E*P*E*A*T he's watched this approach succeed
He's watched those people he supported grow into heroes, from the seed
That only a serious little independent record label can sow
To grow in the hearts of indie kids who live outside the status quo

Rosey 's a respected elder , an example of how to live
A socially conscious person, some one who's altruistic
Yes Rosey's the real deal, and he shows what you can do
If you put your mind to it you could start a record label too
Or a band, or a zine, or be a DJ, or a poet
Start a little project, work hard, be dedicated and enjoy it
Ultimately It's Rosey s philosophy that resonates with many people's own
And That's why R*E*P*E*A*T records and fanzine is where so many people feel at home.


Sam Marsh aka The Wisdom of the Punk Buddha
Follow him here