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Helen Love : Stay With Me
(Alcopop Records, 14.5.24)

A new Helen Love single is the official sign that summer is here, or at least on its way.

And bang on cue, as soon as the grooves of this soon to be / should be classic caress my ears, out comes the Swansea sun.Both real and metaphorical.

Yes, yes, yes. This is brilliant. Again. I had to play it several times in a row; and now I can't get it out of my swooning, singing, celebrating cerebellum.


It has all the trademarks of a Helen Love tune (you know – melody, crafted lyrics, guitars, glitter, and infectious as hell) but simultaneously super-powered by the irresistible swing of Northern Soul brass, some almost funkily pulsating bass and even a few 'shooby doo wops'. A marriage made in CBGBs, with the honeymoon at The Wigan Casino.

I normally cringe when bands 'mature', but this is such a considered, emotional, hard hitting KO blow of a track which can only count as being ridiculously fantastic.

Walking it like the Supremes, talking it like the Ramones, a slice of horn driven bubble gum soul powered perfection which deserves to be a massive hit in any fair world.

Can't wait for the new album. Can you?

Rosey R*E*P*E*A*T

Streaming now, or support the rather awesome Alcopop Records by buying here

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