Home Jane!

Guy Challenger and Egg Spectrum
Ababcb magazine launch event gig
19.6.24 The Bunkhouse

Today is warm, nice, and understanding. We sit by the beach with some smoke and some drink awaiting to walk on over to The Bunkhouse. The reason for this excursion is Ababcd’s latest magazine launch - which I luckily got to nab a copy before it was released and drooled my eyes over it, proper chuffed.

The walk - solid and smooth, to Bunk with no hiccups to catch this groovy event. I approach the stage like an animal in heat, eager to fill my holes with music, and luckily for me I rocked up just as the music started.

Guy Challenger is on first and this is my first time watching their set and I’m digging.

I will never lie - I am not the biggest fan of acoustic music unless I am proper in the mood but this is tickling my brain nicely.
Extremely well thought out lyrics, solid strums, lovely vocal timings / melodies and a fat amount of emotion in the voice - hooha that’s what we like to listen… truly haunting but soulful.

Very interesting battered looking acoustic guitar which resembles the skin of a zombie perhaps drawn by a child. This guitar doesn’t sound like hell - like most electro-acoustics do which - “is why I don’t leave the house!”

I’d love some mandolin and other pretty instrumentation over Guy’s pretty voice and guitar, that would go so fucking hard.

Such soulful songs ending in such wholesome “thank yoooouuuussss!”

I’ve been bashing a film I adore titled ‘Austin to Boston’ a lot again recently and Guy should’ve been there mannnn, lovely set… onto the rest of the event.

I was so distracted by the lovely vibe outside, talking and blending with Ed Spectrum, sharing love and laughter with Guy Challenger and yes I am far too tipsy to be reviewing but here we move… Shortly I’ll be flying back inside to experience Ed Spectrum on his Todd for the first time but I’m ready and moistened, I’m a Rainyday fanboy through and through.

Watching Egg now, I love his vocal inflections, guitar tone and drip, I love his drip. This man is an alien, he doesn’t belong here, he is one of my own and I am glad. This human has a far out rhythm and plays on his own as if there’s a band, which is definitely a talent.

I’ve never caught Egg on his own before nbut I love it, great songs that could be set alight on any independent film oooh yeah. Plus Egg can Swan-golian throat sing.

Woah, currently having one of the longest pisses of my life and subsequently have missed the last band Stickman, next time I promise I will write about this band but from what I heard from the toilets they sport pop sensibilities and groovy grooves so sucks to be me I suppose!

Cracking night, I’ll catch you again Ababcd Mag… make sure to check out their latest addition which features an advert from Stinky Pete and The Boys (also known as Monet.)

Mr Pickett

ABABCB mag available ar Swansea Bay Records, Tangled Parrot, Hobos and here

Home Jane!