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Terminally Groovy

Yes at long last, after months of sweat, £s, blood, miles, tears and free falling, the new Miss Black America album is finally upon us. And it was certainly worth the wait.

'Terminal' has already garnered a wodge of favourable reviews, and is much anticipated across the country and beyond. It's something I'm very proud to be involved with.

Small quantities will be available in the shops from September 5th, but you can already buy it for £5 from the Cambridge Record Fair in Fisher Hall on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and from us for only £5 by post from the address below or by paypal from our website releases page

We also have some new and very lovely Miss Black America T shirts available, plus posters and all sorts of back catalogue at ridiculously cheap prices. Thank you for your support and your patience.

Web of Lies

Since my holiday in the sun, I've been locked in the R*E*P*E*A*T office mailing out MBA albums, answering my 500+ e-mails and updating the website, which has many new reviews, interviews, pictures, gigs and other on-line badgers for your surfing pleasure. Come on by!

School Of Rock

School may still be out, but our gigs continue to educate, delight and inform all comers. This is what we've got comin up in August...

Thursday August 18th
R*E*P*E*A*T Presents at The Portland Arms, £4

The Vichy Government

The Utopians
(ex The Uterus Women)

The Resistance


Saturday August 20th
R*E*P*E*A*T Presents at The Portland Arms, £5

Cosy Cosy


Sound City Riot Act


Monday August 22nd
R*E*P*E*A*T Presents at The Portland Arms, £3

New Bands Night with

Tommy Twist and the Jive

Matt Charlton

16 Hours



Defend the right to peaceful protest

On the 30 June 2005 four Scottish Socialist Party parliamentary representatives were summarily suspended and stripped of their pay and parliamentary allowances for the month of September. The financial suspensions will also mean 28 members of staff, not involved in the protest,
will also not be paid.

Their crime? Mounting a peaceful, silent protest, lasting five minutes, at First Minister's question time. SSP members Colin Fox, Frances Curran, Rosie Kane, and Caroline Leckie held up placards demanding that First Minister Jack McConnell carry out the will of the parliament by defending the right to protest peacefully against the G8 leaders at Gleneagles on the 6 July.


Sign the petition on line here


That's all for now, I'm going back to listening to 'Terminal'...

Fight the Power

Rosey xxx

R*E*P*E*A*T, PO Box 438, Cambridge CB4 1FX